Due to the fact that a lot of sweet chilli sauces contain onion, garlic and sweeteners, I had to say goodbye to this delicious sauce when I went low FODMAP. Fortunately, I have made a low FODMAP recipe alternative for your very own sweet chilli sauce to make at home! I love this recipe; it is just so easy, and I usually have all the ingredients in my home already. It’s definitely a staple in my weekly meals.

Ensure that you use mild chillies for this recipe. I once used very spicy chillies and it was way too spicy for me to enjoy as a dipping sauce! If you can handle heat very well, you are more than welcome to use spicy chillies in this recipe, but I would not generally recommend it. Even with the sugar, ginger and vinegar, the spice lingers on your tongue for a long time after you’re consumed it!!

What to eat your sweet chilli sauce with:
- Drizzled over smoky fried tofu
- Crispy potato wedges
- Drizzled over some French fries
- In a wrap
- Cooked with some crispy fried chicken
- With some egg fried rice
- As a general dipping sauce for crisps or tortilla chips

Make sure that you have chopped up your chillies and ginger very small, and similar sizes. I don’t know about you, but I don’t fancy chomping into a giant chunk of chilli or ginger whilst I’m trying to enjoy my meal! I chop my ingredients to about 2mmx2mm chunks, and make the ginger even smaller if I can!

It is so important to keep stirring the mix once you’ve added the sugar. The sugar can burn very quickly, and there is only a small window where it is the right time to remove the sweet chilli sauce from the heat. When you are mixing, you will notice that after a while, the sauce will thicken, and you will be able to clearly see the bottom of your pan as you go around your saucepan. This is usually the right time to remove your sauce from the heat. I usually pour the sweet chilli sauce straight into a small bowl so that it doesn’t continue to cook in the hot pan.

Ingredients: (single serving)
- 3 mild heat chillies (if chillies affect your IBS, consider substituting with 1 red bell pepper)
- 1 inch fresh ginger
- 3 tbsp white wine vinegar or apple cider vinegar
- 2 tbsp sugar
Step 1: remove the seeds from and finely chop your chillies. Peel and finely chop the ginger.
Step 2: put the chopped pieces in a saucepan with your vinegar of choice and 4tbsp water.
Step 3: simmer for about 30 seconds and then add your maple syrup/sugar. Simmer on a low heat, stirring often, for 10 mins until the mixture becomes sticky and syrupy.
Step 4: take the mixture off the heat when the mixture clings and coats the back of a teaspoon.
The mix will keep in an airtight container for 1 week.
Send me pictures of what you eat your sweet chilli sauce with! My Instagram is TheLazyLowFODMAP, tag me in your images so that I see them!