Peanut Protein Chocolate Fingers

Simple, 2 ingredient, Peanut Protein Chocolate Fingers

Need a super speedy protein bar that tastes delicious? Well I’ve got you sorted! These roasted peanut protein chocolate bars are so unbelievably easy to make, and take literally 5 minutes. I find these such a great treat to satisfy my sweet chocolate craving but in a healthy way. My family also love these, as they have a crunch, but also chewy texture. The salty sprinkle and chopped peanuts really help to round off these amazing little sweet treats- I’m obsessed!

I find that by chopping the bars in half, you get these super cute chocolate finger looking protein bars. I think this makes them far more fun and easy to eat, and you also get more mini bars to eat! The taste of these peanut protein chocolate fingers reminds me of a snickers bar, but without the caramel layer. They are so unbelievably addictive, I seriously go through 2 or 3 in one go! I make these regularly with my gutfulness bars, and it’s just a great way to create a healthy sweet treat which is super quick and easy to make. They also keep for a long time, which is great- since you can make a big batch at once and not have to worry about them going off!

Enjoy these peanut protein chocolate fingers? Give these other dessert recipes a go!

The protein bars I use are totally low FODMAP, vegan and gluten free! They taste amazing and the texture is so addictive! I highly recommend these, I have one everyday to help boost my protein intake. If you hop over to their website, you can use my code THELAZYLOWFODMAP for 10% off! They have a really great chewy texture, great for on the go- as they are super mess and crumb free! I have a bar everyday with either my breakfast or just as a snack, to help boost my protein intake in a healthy way. These are on of the first protein bars I’ve found that don’t upset my IBS. I highly recommend giving them a go!

If you want a more chewy bar, or something with more of a bite, I recommend storing these in the fridge. However, if you’d rather have something a bit more soft and easy to chew, these are fine to store at room temperature. I personally like the crisp crunch of having stored them in the fridge, but it’s completely up to you!

Here are some more ideas of what you could top your peanut protein chocolate fingers with:

  • Dehydrated fruits such as raspberries or strawberries
  • Other nuts e.g. sesame seeds, chopped walnuts, chopped brazil nuts
  • Drizzle of peanut butter
  • Drizzle of white or dark chocolate
  • Dusting of icing sugar
  • Crumbled cookies
  • Cornflake crumbles
  • Sprinkles

Ingredients: (makes 8 bars)

  • 4 gutfulness roasted peanut protein bars
  • 100g chocolate bar
  • pinch of flaky/coarse sea salt (optional)
  • chopped peanuts (optional)


Step 1: cut your gutfulness roasted peanut protein bars in half, longways.

Step 2: melt your chocolate.

Step 3: paint the melted chocolate onto your bars. You might need to do this in 2 separate applications. Set the fingers in the freezer for about 10 mins in between applications.

Step 4: sprinkle over some sea salt and chopped peanuts on your last chocolate application.

Step 5: leave to set in the fridge for a minimum of 30 mins.

Enjoy these on the go, or just as a healthy sweet treat with a cup of tea! These peanut protein chocolate fingers will keep in an airtight container in the fridge for a week.

Please feel free to send me over images of your peanut protein chocolate fingers. My Instagram is TheLazyLowFODMAP– dm me your photos or tag me in your posts so that I see them!